Updated site coming Monday 18 November 2019
Thank you for your feedback.
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the Draft Structure Plan for Hawksburn Village. You can view the results on this feedback in the consultation report (see Document Library).
On 22 August 2016, Council adopted the Hawksburn Village Structure Plan (with changes). Planning controls, informed by the Structure Plan, will now be prepared. We will be seeking your views on the draft planning controls in the future as part of a Planning Scheme Amendment.
At its meeting on 22 August 2016, Council adopted the Hawksburn Village Structure Plan with changes to:
- Identify Malvern Road as the preferred primary vehicle access to Woolworths supermarket and adjoining public car park; and
- Strengthen objectives to ensure commercial delivery vehicles do not have an adverse impact on amenity, traffic flow and road safety.
The Structure Plan has been updated to reflect these changes. You can view the final Structure Plan in the Document Library.
At its meeting on 22 August 2016, Council also resolved to authorise officers to undertake further analysis to test the impact of the proposed build form framework on adjacent residential areas. This work is underway together with some additional analysis to better inform the preparation of the draft planning controls.