A creative vision for Prahran Town Hall

The City of Stonnington wants to transform the Prahran Town Hall into an arts and cultural hub - where artists and creative organisations come together to develop and present works, and provide exciting new opportunities for the community.

Our vision is to bring creative and cultural industries to the town hall and transform this iconic heritage landmark into a vibrant arts and cultural destination right in the heart of Prahran.

As a first step we want to explore options for the arts and cultural hub - to get a feeling for what will it look like and how it will work?

Importantly, we want to understand what the people who live, work and visit the area value and what artistic and creative activities would entice them to visit again and again.

As we explore possibilities for the creative hub, we need your help to understand what appeals to you and what you'd like to experience in an arts and cultural precinct.

Exploring creative options

We recognise there are many options to explore to achieve the cultural hub vision. Critical to the success of the precinct are two activations that Council has committed to bring to the space:

  • a creativity-focused library with inspirational collections, spaces and programs, (recently delivered through the opening of Study@Greville), and
  • greater representation of, and engagement with, First Nations culture and living traditions.

These elements anchor the arts and cultural hub, but there are many other options to consider!

Art and culture offerings to consider

To help you think about what arts and culture offerings you would like to see at Prahran Town Hall, we've created a list of possibilities for you to consider:

  • a mid-sized performance space focusing on contemporary music, comedy, and festivals
  • creative development space for performing artists
  • flexible presentation spaces for visual and experimental arts
  • leasable office spaces for arts organisations
  • artist studio spaces to accommodate visual artists, writers, musicians or performers
  • multi-purpose maker spaces for workshops, classes or recording
  • community hangout spaces as a place for gather

Have your say

Share your vision for the Prahran Town Hall arts and cultural precinct by Sunday 24 March.

To share your views select from the options below what is important to you, and complete a short survey.

What you tell us will help us develop options to bring Prahran back to its creative best.

Privacy Statement

The personal information requested on this project is being collected by Council for the purpose of facilitating the Prahran Town Hall consultation.

To find out how your personal information will be used by Council please visit the privacy policy page.

What do you want to provide feedback on next?