One step closer to being a recognised walkable city
Thank you to everyone that provided feedback to help shape the City of Stonnington Walking Action Plan. On Monday 11 July 2022, Council adopted the Walking Action Plan.
Informed by community feedback the new eight-year plan will help shape Council’s investment and decision making to create an inclusive and accessible Stonnington walking network to benefit all.
The Walking Action Plan sets in place the vision, strategic priorities and actions that will help make Stonnington a ‘recognised walkable city where pedestrians are at the heart of how the city operates’, by 2030.
Other goals set out in the plan include:
- Our pedestrian environment will be accessible and inclusive to all in the community.
- Our road crossings, streets and laneways will be safe and welcoming with more pedestrian crossings, priority zones and reduced vehicle speeds that make walking more attractive.
- Our streets and activity centres will be built around walking with wide high-quality footpaths, an interconnected network and abundant public space for outdoor dining, trading, and socialising.
- Walking will be the mode of choice for short trips including walking to school, ensuring no one is disadvantaged by not having access to a private vehicle or public transport.
- Walking routes will be green, shaded and welcoming places for moving, meeting and resting.
The Walking Action Plan was developed through a series of community engagement programs, where the community and stakeholders were invited to share ideas on how to improve the walking environment and encourage people to walk more often.
Through upgrades to walking infrastructure, improved safety and education we aim to elevate walking as a transport option of choice to every resident and visitor to our city.
You can download the Walking Action Plan and supporting documents via the Document Library.
We’ve prepared a draft Walking Action Plan to improve the walking environment and encourage people to walk more often.
Before we finalise the Plan we want to hear what you think.
The Walking Action Plan is our long-term plan that introduces strategic priorities and actions to create a Stonnington walking network to benefit all - including the young, the elderly, parents with young children, and people with disabilities.
The draft Plan was developed following a 2021 community engagement program where the community and stakeholders were invited to share ideas on how to improve the walking environment and encourage people to walk more often.
The plan introduces four strategic priority areas:
- Safe, accessible and inclusive streets for people.
- Efficient, connected and convenient walking networks underpinning the local economy.
- Walking for healthy lifestyles and community connection.
- Interconnected, green and resilient walking environments.
Supporting each strategic priority is a series of actions that over the short-, medium- and long-term will deliver important improvements to the walking network across Stonnington.
Through upgrades to walking infrastructure, improved safety and education we aim to elevate walking as a transport option of choice to every resident and visitor to our city.
Before finalising the document, until Sunday 1 May we invite you to view the draft Walking Plan and provide feedback below.
All feedback will be considered, and the draft refined before presenting for Council approval later this year.
If you have any questions please contact our Transport Planning team
Community Consultation
Learn more about the feedback received during the first stage of community consultation