
Stage three revised concept plan

5 March 2019

Thank you for providing feedback on proposed concept plan for Windsor Siding stage 3 in June 2018.

Please see the revised concept plan HERE which incorporates comments and feedback received from the community.

What has changed:

  • Increased native planting and garden beds
  • Increased Australian native trees within the lawn area to encourage and support bird life
  • BBQ to be retained
  • Expanded garden beds and planting along the edge of the park to Peel Street to provide a barrier between park and Peel Street
  • Removal of the 1m wide gravel path along Alpha place

What has not changed:

Council acknowledges that we received mixed comments about the proposed concrete path, while some residents were in favour of having gravel path the others were supportive of concrete. Considering that this path will serve as a primary entrance to Windsor Siding from Peel Street and in line with Council’s commitment to provide access for all abilities, a concrete path will be installed. This path will perform better in all weathers and the material will match with the other paths within the park.

The concept plan proposes to maintain all the existing trees.

Construction of stage 3 is proposed to commence in the coming months, Council will notify residents and park users prior to construction.

If you questions please contact Council’s urban design team by phone on 8290 2058 or send an email to