
Update: July 2016

23 November 2016

Development of the Windsor Siding Masterplan underwent an extensive community engagement program from January to May 2015. Comments and feedback from a wide range of the community were used to develop and inform the Masterplan, which was endorsed by Council on the 21 September 2015. Construction started in May 2016 and Stage One of the development of Windsor Siding finished on July 1st, 2016 followed by Stage 1b which includes the relocation of the BMX track.

The works included the following items:

· Construction of East West concrete path connecting to Windsor train station.

· Construction of a secondary path

· Installation of pedestrian scale lighting

· Construction of lawn areas

· Installation of irrigation system to lawn areas

· New garden bed and tree planting

· Construction of battered slopes

· Installation of Stonnington standard furniture

· Demolition and relocation of the existing BMX track

Council would like to thank you for your cooperation during the construction of the Stage One. Please be patient as the new lawn area needs time to establish. The lawn will be ready for use in the warmer season.