
Stage Three Concept Plan

5 September 2018

Development of the Windsor Siding Masterplan underwent an extensive community engagement program in 2015. Since then Council has delivered many park assets for the local community. These include a larger central lawn area, new park lighting, new paths, a new shelter with BBQ facilities more trees and a BMX track. Along with these facilities, Council have also installed CCTV cameras to improve the safety of the park.

Delivering on Council’s commitment to increase public open space, Council purchased property 129 Peel Street, Windsor which along with the Will Sampson Centre has recently been demolished to provide better connections into the park and increase open space and greenery.

You may have noticed temporary landscaping of these spaces over last few weeks. Council is proposing to formalise the design in line with the attached concept plan. The concept plan(External link) proposes to maintain the existing trees and includes an extended lawn area, 2 meter pathway to connect Peel Street to the Park, extra lighting, more trees and seating similar to existing treatment.

If you have comments or questions please contact Council’s urban design team by phone on 8290 2058 or send an email to link)

Drop in session:

Council will be hosting a drop in session in the Windsor Siding from 5PM until 6PM, Wednesday 27 June to discuss the concept plan in more detail.