
Council Recommendations

14 July 2016

Council wishes to thank all those who took part in the consultation process and contributed to the final design which will be implemented over a number of years. Five recommendations were adopted by Council.

1. The Windsor Siding Masterplan be adopted including the following features:-

  • A 3.4 metre wide, lit, path linking to the Windsor Station
  • The retention of existing trees (2 smaller trees located in the existing BMX track mounding to be removed)
  • The trees and mounding opposite the Will Sampson Centre are retained however the vegetation blocking views into the park is removed and replaced with a low-growing, bird attracting understorey
  • The children’s playground and toilet are retained in their current location and the path to the south of the playground is not constructed
  • The BMX track is relocated to the eastern side of the park, and all conditions relating to the Citipower easement are adhered to
  • The hub’s prominence is downgraded to a picnic spot with associated furniture and signage
  • The level changes on the southern boundary are mounded to improve this interface

2. Council continues to liaise with Public Transport Victoria (PTV) and Vic Track to facilitate an agreement whereby the path linking the park to the station is approved and upgraded

3. Council develop a comprehensive maintenance program with the Parks Unit to ensure that high quality standards are applied to the Park

4. Council liaise with the Department of Health and Human Services to reallocate the original State Government funding for a fenced dog park to other infrastructure within the park

5. The Windsor Siding Masterplan be exhibited in the Park and that all residents who took part in the consultation process are advised of the endorsed plan

Council wishes to thank all those who took part in the consultation process and contributed to the final design which will be implemented over a number of years.