Have your say
Your feedback is invited on the name proposed for the new sports pavilion and community facility currently under construction at Toorak Park in Armadale, Toorak Park Pavilion.
Toorak Park Pavilion was selected as the preferred name in consultation with the sporting clubs who will be based at the pavilion.
The name was endorsed by Council at its 22 April 2024 meeting and has been confirmed by Geographic Names Victoria as compliant to the Naming rules for places in Victoria - Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities – 2022.
The previous pavilion, demolished to make way for the new build, was named the Charles Lux Pavilion. To honour the history of the site, the original Charles Lux Pavilion plaque will be displayed in the new building.
Formally naming the pavilion building through Geographic Names Victoria will result in it being added to the emergency services register and support emergency services to quickly respond should there be an emergency at the site.
Any objections to the name Toorak Park Pavilion or naming suggestions will be considered and interested respondents advised.
Have your say by Sunday 4 August on the name Toorak Park Pavilion and/or submit a different name for consideration.
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