Investigating reusable sanitary and incontinence products

In Australia, approximately 660 million disposable nappies, sanitary and incontinence products go to landfill each year, accounting for between 5 to 15 per cent of all household waste sent to landfill.

We are undertaking a feasibility study into local government reusable sanitary and incontinence programs, alongside six other councils.

We hope to:

  • better understand how we can help reduce the volume of disposable sanitary and incontinence products sent to landfill
  • encourage cost effective and environmentally friendly sanitary and incontinence product choices.

We invite you to share your experience with sanitary/incontinence products by taking part in a survey, to identify:

  • what type of sanitary/incontinence product do you use(d)
  • whether you’re aware that there are reusable alternatives to disposable sanitary/incontinence products
  • if you have used reusable sanitary/incontinence products or would like to know more.

This project is supported by the Recycling Victoria Councils Fund and delivered by Sustainability Victoria, on behalf of the Victorian Government.

To take part, please complete the relevant online survey via the links below by 28 February 2023.

Community Survey

Service Provider Survey

Privacy Statement

Your privacy and personal information

The personal information requested on this project is being collected by Council for the purpose of facilitating the Reusable Sanitary and Incontinence Products Feasibility Study.

To find out how your personal information will be used by Council please visit the privacy policy page.

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