Have your say on a proposal to name the new multi-purpose sports facility at Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park, 'Stonnington Sports Centre'
We are currently building a new sports facility at the northern end of Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park to accommodate lawn bowls, tennis, lacrosse, cricket, netball and basketball.
Under construction is a building to replace the old Chadstone Bowls and Chadstone Tennis clubrooms and provide facilities for Chadstone Lacrosse and the East Malvern Tooronga Cricket clubs. The build also includes a new high ball sports stadium for netball and basketball.
Recognising the importance of this significant community asset within the City of Stonnington, Council, at its 6 March meeting, endorsed 'Stonnington Sports Centre' as the preferred name (refer Council Minutes 6 March 2023 – Item 8.6).
Stonnington Sports Centre has been confirmed by Geographic Names Victoria as meeting naming requirements of the Victorian Government’s ‘Rules for Naming Places in Victoria 2022.’
The formal naming process requires community consultation on the proposed name, so before progressing we would like to hear your views on the proposal to name the facility, 'Stonnington Sports Centre'.
Have your say
Complete the short survey below by 30 June 2023.
All feedback will be reported to Council where, subject to the survey results, 'Stonnington Sports Centre' will be confirmed as the name, or further consultation may be required on an alternate option.
Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park
Find out more about the Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park masterplan to deliver new community sports facilities and park improvements.
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