Tell us what you love about the current playground and what would make it even better.

The McArthur Street Park playground is getting to the end of its useful life and needs replacing.

Previously the community has told us they love the playground, it’s landscape setting and timber play equipment. With this in mind, we plan to retain the natural timber style of play equipment and upgrade the playground to be safe and serviceable for many years to come.

As a starting point we want to hear from you – what you love about the current playground and what, if anything, you think would make it even better.

What you tell us will help us develop a concept playground design that we will share with you later this year for feedback.

We know this is a much-loved local playground and want to make sure we create a new play space that retains the style and elements the community loves and delivers improvements that will be enjoyed for many years.

With your help we can do it.

Have your say

Have Your Say

To share thoughts on McArthur Street Park by completing this short survey by Thursday 30 May 2024.

Privacy Statement

The information requested in this survey is being collected by Council for the purpose of the community consultation process for the McArthur Playground.

To find out how your personal information will be used by Council please visit the privacy policy page.

What do you want to provide feedback on next?