We’re creating a new park in Izett Street.

May 2024 - Design finalised and consultation closed.

In April 2024, we invited feedback on a draft concept design for a new park at 15 Izett Street in Prahran.

What we heard informed refinements to finalise the design.

Community engagement on this project is now complete and we thank everyone who contributed ideas to inform the final park design.

Construction of the new park will happen in 2024.

For more on the park construction visit the Izett Street park page on the Stonnington website.

April 2024 - View the concept design and have your say.

We’re getting on with the job of building a new park in Izett Street and creating a green, tranquil place where locals can relax and enjoy their neighbourhood.

Over the past months we’ve been working on a park design that we want to share with you – and hear from the people who will use the park most.

What we hear will be considered for any design refinements before we build the park later this year.

View the design and share your feedback by Sunday 14 April.

Izett Park design
Izett Park design

Share your feedback

View the design and share your feedback by Sunday 14 April 2024.

Privacy Statement

The personal information requested in this survey is being collected by Council for the purpose of the community consultation process for Izett Park.

To find out how your personal information will be used by Council please visit the privacy policy page.

What do you want to provide feedback on next?