Understanding Use of the Container Deposit Scheme in Stonnington

We are seeking community feedback to understand community awareness and participation in the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme.

In November 2023, the Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) was launched in Victoria. The program aims to divert the amount of recyclable items going to landfill and reduce litter ending up in our environment and waterways. The program is funded by contributions from the beverage industry, with the aim of collecting eligible containers, providing a 10c refund to the consumer, and recycling collected containers into new materials. The initiative has a target of diverting 80% of all materials by 2030.

Within Stonnington, we currently have four Over the Counter refund points and one Retail Reverse Vending Machine located at petrol stations and retail outlets, however there are no stand-alone Reverse Vending Machine kiosks for public access within Stonnington.. We have also started to capture CDS eligible items at some summer events.

We are seeking the community’s feedback on use and awareness of the Container Deposit Scheme within the Stonnington community, as well as understanding any barriers to use and location preferences for refund points. We will use your feedback to inform future decision making on potential Container Deposit Scheme refund locations in Stonnington and our communication strategies. Please share your thoughts via our survey below. All responses are anonymous.

For more information on the Container Deposit Scheme and Frequently Asked Questions, please visit https://cdsvic.org.au/

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