7 key aspirations for Chapel Street

The City of Stonnington has engaged Hassell Studio to start the process of setting the vision for the future of Chapel Street. Early engagement with stakeholders and outcomes from council’s consultation on the Place-led Economic Development Strategy have informed the following 7 key aspirations: 
  • Sustainable

    A green street with trees, natural shade and garden beds

    Chapel Street can become much greener and vegetated. Early ideas on how to achieve this include planting more trees that provide natural shades and placing more garden beds and other types of greening along the street. 

  • Expressive

    A street where First Nations culture and history are celebrated to build a legacy for this place

    Chapel Street can become much more meaningful to those who use it on a daily basis and those who come to visit it. It can more explicitly tell the stories of the people who came before and their impact on our community. 

  • Connected

    A street that is safe for all transport modes (cycling, walking, trams) and can be more easily crossed in order to connect better as an experience. 

    Chapel Street can become a better connector between people, transport modes and the suburbs it traverses. It can support a different modal mix that allows people to move along its length and across it more efficiently than they do today.

  • Identity-driven

    A street that is recognised for its own characteristics and appeal

    Chapel Street can have an identity that is more visibly and distinctly its own so that it doesn’t look like any other street in Melbourne. 

  • Engaged

    A street that is used throughout the day and night

    Chapel Street can become a place that hosts the public life of the community better through outdoor dining, performances, programming and other ways of engaging with the street. 

  • Inclusive

    A street that is universally accessible with different levels of mobility

    Chapel Street can work better for more people more of the time by becoming universally accessible for people with varying abilities and mobility. 

  • A safe public domain

    A street with improved lighting to increase safety at night

    Chapel Street can become a safer place at night by improving street lighting and implementing other measures that help promote safety and prevent incidents.