Consultation is now closed
Thank you to those who participated in the survey.
Feedback received has resulted in a decision to implement a permanent roadside dining offering on Beatty Avenue, Armadale with minor amendments to final plans to incorporate some additional parking.
We are considering the introduction of an annual 365 Roadside Dining permit area within the Beatty Avenue, Armadale shopping strip.
We received a number of applications from several businesses in the area calling for a permanent annual roadside dining offering.
Temporary summer outdoor dining has been popular in the area in the past, particularly during COVID-19. Offering an outdoor dining option to hospitality venues during this time allowed businesses to continue operating and allowed patrons to continue enjoying a dining experience despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.
A permanent roadside dining offering would entail the installation of a purpose built on-street outdoor dining area, the removal of some on-street parking, and alternative traffic restrictions imposed.
Your privacy and personal information
The personal information requested in this survey is being collected by Council for the purpose of community consultation.
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