At Stonnington, we are preparing a new Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-2025. The Plan will provide the framework for our animal management services for the next four years, and will focus on domestic animals and the people who own or spend time around cats and dogs.
To help us develop this plan we engaged with the community on a number of issues in a two-stage community consultation process. This was a valuable opportunity for people to inform how we progress with our animal management and improve future services for our dogs and cats.
Feedback received indicates that the community is passionate about their pets and keen to see that animal management in the City of Stonnington remains a high priority. This feedback has assisted in the development of a draft Domestic Animal Management Plan - now at final review stage prior to Council endorsement.
The aim of a Domestic Animal Management Plan is to:
- Promote and encourage responsible pet ownership
- Ensure that people comply with laws, regulations and legislation
- Minimise risk of attacks by dogs on people and animals
- Address over-population and high euthanasia rates for dogs and cats
- Minimise the potential for dogs and cats to create a nuisance
- Effectively identify all dangerous, menacing and restricted breed dogs
- Encourage registration and identification of dogs and cats.
Other information
Do you have a pet that you think should be registered? Find out more.
For more information on the project contact