We are developing a new Active Stonnington Action Plan and a Sports Infrastructure Plan

What is the Active Stonnington Action Plan?

With our population set to grow by almost 26,000 people by 2036, there is increasing demand for recreation and sport infrastructure.

Presently, the Active Stonnington Strategy 2021-2025 (the Strategy) provides the framework to plan and deliver initiatives that encourage a more active Stonnington community. The Strategy sets a clear vision and direction for increasing physical activity participation for people of all backgrounds, ability levels and life stages.

The existing strategy is due to be renewed and will be replaced by a new Action Plan which will detail a series of short, medium and long-term actions pertaining to the implementation of health and wellbeing priorities across the City of Stonnington.

A Sports Infrastructure Plan will be developed in tandem with this work, to overlap infrastructure data with community sentiment around development, which will be used to guide future recreation teams in decision making.

What is active recreation?

Active recreation is not just competitive sports – it also includes any physical activity that keeps people moving and socially connected. This could be cultural dance, walking groups, yoga, casual games in the park, or any other activity valued for health and well-being.

How is Council engaging?

To inform the development of these plans we are undertaking a range of engagement activities including an online survey, workshops with sports and community organisations and intercept engagement sessions. This engagement process will ensure we are capturing the perspective of those already utilising Council provided facilities and programs, as well as those who are not to understand why.

What does council want to know?

Through this process Council would like to understand barriers and opportunities to participating in sports and active recreation across the Stonnington LGA. This includes gathering input from those already participating and importantly, those who are not.

Previous engagement

This engagement builds on the extensive engagement previously undertaken over the past 24 months, including Stonnington’s Health and Wellbeing Plan, Social Connection survey and Community Views survey.

Complete the short survey below and tell us what’s important to you.

Being active in Stonnington

What do you believe is the greatest barrier to being active in Stonnington? (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

26 March, 2025

Hannah says:

Cost of memberships for classes at studios and gyms and walking tracks

26 March, 2025

Stephen says:

Education - knowing what on offer what else can we be involved in

26 March, 2025

Luca says:

More public facilities such as sports courts and running tracks.

26 March, 2025

Aryan karnani says:

Lack of motivation and time management like having too many stuff going on for example uni, tennis etc. this promotes excuses.

25 March, 2025

And yo says:

Access and conveniemce

25 March, 2025

Andrew Othen says:

Awareness of activities and convenience

24 March, 2025

Jane says:

Street lighting and lighting of paths to help people feel safe. I am a woman and can only walk during daylight hours.

24 March, 2025

Mary says:

undercover and indoor sporting facilities

20 March, 2025

David Kemp says:

In the future not enough sports grounds and facilities. Need more or being able to use these more often eg night matches.

Privacy Statement

The personal information requested in this survey is being collected by Council for the purpose of community consultation.

To find out how your personal information will be used by Council please visit the privacy policy page.

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