Toorak Village Streetscape design finalised

See the design that will breathe new life into the Toorak Road pedestrian spaces between Grange Road and Wallace Avenue.

In January 2022, we asked for ideas to improve the Toorak Village pedestrian areas and in May, we sought feedback on a draft design developed from your input.

What we heard was the community really liked what they saw but wanted a more traditional style street furniture, a consistent tree species along the street, and quality pavement throughout the precinct.

We’ve taken this feedback and refined the design to introduce higher quality paving with brass trim, and a revised street furniture selection with sophisticated black and gold colour palette. We will also keep the street trees to one species, crepe myrtle, and add uplighting to gently illuminate the space.

Most of the elements proposed in the draft design have not changed. The most notable changes to the draft are:

  1. change from asphalt footpath to high-quality concrete with brass trim and granite and bluestone paver detail
  2. change from ultra-contemporary street furniture to a more traditional look
  3. single tree species used throughout the precinct (crepe myrtle)
  4. uplighting to trees.

Revised pavement layout

Revised pavement detail

Revised street furniture

This now concludes the community engagement on the Toorak Village Streetscape design.

Our thanks to everyone whose ideas and feedback have contributed to a final streetscape design that will completely transform Toorak Village with fresh new features to enhance this much-loved heritage precinct.

What’s next

We plan to start delivering the Toorak Village streetscape improvements in early-2023, with the works expected to take several months to complete.

Follow the construction on our Toorak Village Street Improvements webpage

Toorak Village is getting a facelift

We want your help to upgrade the Toorak Road pedestrian areas, between Grange Road and Wallace Avenue with new footpaths, street furniture, decorative lighting and landscaping.

To help us develop a draft concept, we first want to understand what is important to the people who know the area best – what you think of the area now, what you think should change and what should be retained?

To keep up-to-date with future engagement and a summary of what we’ve heard from our community on this project, subscribe to our monthly news and engagement email update.

Have your say on draft streetscape design - CLOSED

Earlier this year we asked the community to share with us what makes Toorak Village special to them, and what we can do to improve the pedestrian areas and make it even better.

What we heard is that people love the area’s heritage architecture, sculptures and friendly atmosphere, but would like to see lots more shade trees and greenery, plus more seating, better lighting and more space for outdoor dining.

The feedback we received helped us develop a draft concept plan that introduces improvements with materials and a colour palette to complement the existing heritage qualities - including new paved footpaths, attractive street furniture, upgraded lighting and plenty of shade trees and landscaping.

Before we finalise the design we would like to hear what you think. Did we get it right? Is there something we missed?

Have your say - draft concept design - CLOSED

View the Draft Concept Design and provide your feedback in the survey below by Sunday 19June 2022.

Attend an in person drop in session on Thursday 16 June 1-4pm in Toorak Village to share your thoughts and ideas directly with the engagement team.

At the close of consultation, all feedback will be considered and used to inform the final design. The final design will then be presented to Council for adoption later this year.

Complete the Survey