The Chapel Street masterplan, adopted by Council in 2013, identified specific locations within the precinct as people-first zones, where the community could come together to gather and dine in a safe, inviting space.
One of the locations took in Fitzgerald Street, Davison Place, Arthur Street and Chapel Street and was, for purpose of the proposed streetscape works, named 'South Yarra Village'.
The vision for the South Yarra Village was to create well-connected, pedestrian-friendly gathering points, surrounded by commercial activity that could spill out onto the pavement, lots of greenery and trees, good lighting, attractive pavements and modern furnishings - all designed to bring the area to life.
In early-2021, we engaged with the surrounding community through direct mail postcards, an onsite information session and online survey, to get an understanding of what they would like to see in an improved streetscape. At the close of the engagement program at the end of March 2021, it was proposed to use the feedback to inform a concept design that would be presented back to the community later in the year.
Following the March consultation, further consideration was given to the streetscape project, including the potential impacts of large developments planned nearby. As a result of this consideration, the difficult decision was taken to press pause on the project for the time being.
We are however continuing to work with CitiPower to underground the power lines in Fitzgerald and Arthur streets; this will result in the overhead wires being removed and opening up space for trees to grow.
We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation in March 2021, and reassure them the suggestions we received will not go to waste and will provide valuable insights when we relaunch the project.
We will be back in touch when we have more news and engagement opportunities.