
Consultation on concept site options for Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park

25 October 2018

On Monday 15 October, Council endorsed that a series of concept site options developed for Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park be made available for community consultation.

Council is seeking community feedback on the design of these options from Monday 5 November until Friday 30 November, visit this page during that time to do so. Consultation material will include plans for four options, rendered design images showing how each plan will look from Chadstone Road and Quentin Road, a summary of the Stakeholder Group process to date, and a public open space calculation for each option.

Two drop-in information sessions will take place at the Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park lacrosse pavilion on Saturday 10 November 10am–12pm and Wednesday 14 November 5pm–7pm. During these sessions the options will be on display with the project team available to answer questions.

Consultation will be a two stage process. A letter to residents nearby Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park explaining this was sent on 25 October, it is expected that residents will receive that letter early in the week commencing 29 October. Click here for an electronic version.