After hearing from our community about the future you want for our city, we have developed our draft Council Plan 2021-25 and Financial Plan 2021-31 to guide our actions over the next four years and how they are funded. The draft Council Plan 2021-25 and Financial Plan 2021-31 were endorsed by Council for public exhibition at its meeting on 16 August 2021. Following our three week exhibition period, consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We will now be considering these submissions ahead of final adoption of both documents by Council in October 2021.
Draft Council Plan 2021-25 (Future Stonnington)
Our draft four-year Council Plan 2021-25 has been developed in response to the direction and priorities set by the Stonnington Community Vision 2040. We have incorporated the Community Vision and Council Plan 2021-25 into a single document – Future Stonnington – which describes Stonnington’s context, the community’s aspirations for the city (the Community Vision) and how we will strive towards this vision over the next four years (the Council Plan 2021-25).
Draft Financial Plan 2021-31
Our Long-Term Financial Plan for the next 10 years has been developed to guide how the actions in the Council Plan 2021-25 are funded to achieve the Community Vision. Our Long-Term Financial Plan will help us plan for Council’s ongoing financial sustainability. It will also help us identify Council’s current and projected financial capacity to meet Council’s future funding needs to provide services and facilities.