
Planning Controls Explained

18 April 2018

An overlay is a planning control in an area where proposed buildings or developments may require special consideration because of particular features, such as areas prone to flooding. An overlay generally consists of both a parent clause and a schedule, where the schedule allows fine-tuning of a planning control. Both the parent clause and the schedule apply.

Two types of overlays are affected:

1. Special Building Overlay (SBO) is a planning control that identifies areas prone to stormwater overflow from either Melbourne Water or Council drains. A link to the parent clause is available here

The proposal also seeks to distinguish between the two drainage systems using two schedules:

  • Schedule 1: flooding associated with main drainage infrastructure (managed by Melbourne Water)
  • Schedule 2: flooding associated with local drainage infrastructure (managed by Council)

2. Land Subject to Inundation Overlays (LSIO) is a Melbourne Water specific control that applies to land affected by flooding associated with waterways and open drainage systems. A link to the parent clause is available here.