
Capital Works Project Bulletin No. 1

21 December 2018

The City of Stonnington’s Infrastructure Department wishes to advise residents and park uses of the upcoming Princes Gardens Masterplan Stage 1 works in Princes Gardens, Prahran. Stage 1 works are scheduled to commence Monday 7 January 2019.

Construction is programmed to be completed by June 2019. The construction works will be carried out between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday and 8:00am and 5:00pm on Saturday.

The works will be undertaken by Planned Constructions Pty Ltd and will include:
• new four meter wide path
• removal of some trees
• new lighting
• park furniture
• irrigation and avenue tree planting
• realignment of pool fencing
• relocation of shade sail posts and new shade sails

Pedestrian access through the park will be restricted during construction, however appropriate detours will be in place.

Access to the North/West corner of the Aquatic Centre grounds will also be restricted during fencing and shades sail works.

The contractor Planned Constructions Pty Ltd and the City of Stonnington will endeavour to minimise disruption at all times.

For more information click here to view the bulletin.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation during these works.