Large canopy trees play an important role in managing the urban heat island effect, improving air quality and ‘softening’ an increasingly built-up urban fabric.

The under provision of open space in Stonnington highlights the importance of having canopy trees across all of Stonnington, as this will affect the future health and liveability of our municipality.

Our planning scheme addresses topics such as:

  • Retention of existing and established on-site and on-street vegetation
  • Incentivising private planting
  • Vertical gardens
  • More green space in development and reducing building footprints

The Housing Strategy and Neighbourhood Character work have identified the need to provide increased landscaping and canopy trees in new developments to provide additional planting on private land.

The Open Space Strategy will explore ways Council can increase open space and better utilise existing open space.

We continue to advocate the Victorian Government regarding the importance of tree canopy, given the impetus on additional growth.

These city shaping projects will be consulted on in the near future.