
Have your say

7 November 2018

Help us plan for the future

During November 2018 Council is asking for your help to plan for the changing face of the Mount Street precinct.

Your feedback will help us prepare a draft Mount Street masterplan, the preliminary document that, with further discussion and community engagement, will develop into the final Mount Street masterplan.

How to provide your feedback

Stage one consultation: Consultants, Place Score, will be onsite from Monday 19 to Friday 30 November surveying passers-by on Bangs, Cecil, Clifton and Mount streets. Stop and share your experience of the area.

Attend a workshop: Discuss your ideas at a community workshop
She Bangs Café, 69 Bangs Street
between 5pm and 7pm Wednesday 28 November.

Email us: Between 19 November and 10 December email with your answers to the below questions:

1. What do you like about the area now?

2. What do you think could be improved?

For further information please contact: Targol Khorram, Landscape Architect, phone 8290 2058