The City of Stonnington’s Governance Rules determine the way in which the Council will:
- make decisions
- in the best interests of the Stonnington community;
- fairly and on the merits of the matter before the Council; and
- in a way that ensures any person whose rights will be directly affected by any or all decisions will be entitled to communicate their views and have their interests considered;
- elect a Mayor and Deputy Mayor;
- conduct meetings of the Council and Delegated Committees;
- give notice and make recordings of meetings;
- be informed in its decisions making through community engagement and Council officer reports;
- require the disclosure of all Councillor and management conflicts of interest; and
- apply rules for the conduct of the Council and Councillors during the Election Period.
We’re proposing to make some revisions to our current Governance Rules (last amended in July 2021) and are seeking feedback on the proposed revisions.
These proposed revisions are outlined in the sections below. Click on the arrow to expand each section to read revision details.
You can provide feedback by completing the survey below (scroll down past the proposed revisions).
Please note that this engagement covers only the proposed revisions, and not the other sections of the Governance Rules.
Summary of proposed revisions
Proposed revision makes it clear that the Mayor can only be elected with a absolutely majority of votes.
Proposed revision establishes a way forward if there is an inability to achieve or maintain a quorum (minimum number of Councillors required at a meeting) due to the disclosure of conflicts of interest by the majority of councillors.
Proposed revision clarifies that a councillor must not speak longer than two minutes, unless granted an extension by the Chair when dealing with General Business.
Proposed revisions:
- Set out the timeframe for a councillor to lodge a notice of motion with the Chief Executive Officer.
- Provide discretion to the Chief Executive Officer to provide a report to the Council detailing the implications for the Council and the community in respect of any Notice of Motion.
- Formalise the custom and practice of the seconder reserving their right to speak later in the debate.
- Clarify that the mover of a motion cannot introduce new matters when exercising the right of reply.
- Establish a three-minute time limit for public submissions made under the Council Community Engagement Policy.
- Provide further guidance around questions from councillors to Council Officers.
Proposed revision improves, simplifies, or clarifies procedural matters.
Proposed revision outlines that when a motion of dissent from the Chair’s Ruling is seconded, the need for the seconder to state the reasons for their dissent.
Proposed revisions:
- provide for the acceptance of electronic petitions, joint letters and memorials.
- change the current requirement for a petition or joint letter to be signed by at least 12 people to 5 people.
Proposed revision supports the three-minute time limit for public submissions made under the Council Community Engagement Policy (referenced above).
Proposed revision clarifies that the Council may via a Council resolution suspend from a Council meeting any councillor whose actions have disrupted the business of the Council and have impeded its orderly conduct.
Proposed revision clarifies the Chair or any councillor can move a motion which must be seconded (and the seconder must be a councillor other than the mover) indicating a desire to suspend standing orders to expedite the business of a Council meeting.
Proposed revisions outline:
- whether meetings are to be wholly attendance meetings, wholly virtual meetings or partially attendance and partially virtual meetings;
- how, if a meeting is intended to a wholly attendance meeting, a Councillor can request that they attend by electronic means; and
- a decision by the Council as to whether it accedes to such a request.
Proposed revision enhances the conflicts of interest disclosure provisions at both an in-person and virtual meeting.
Proposed revision provides further clarification around informal meetings of Councillors.
Revisions include:
- Amendments to the revised Governance Rules to correct incidental formatting, numbering, and/or typographical issues.
- Changes to reflect the repeal of certain provisions in the Local Government Act 1989.
- Chapter 7 – Election Period Policy has been rewritten with the objective of ensuring the Council elections on Saturday 26 October 2024 (and subsequent elections) are conducted in a manner which is ethical, fair and equitable and are publicly perceived as such.
Changes in full
You can also read the proposed revisions on this full document with tracked changes that shows you how the Governance Rules are proposed to change from the last adopted version. (You can also access this from the document library on the right of the page)
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Provide feedback
Complete our survey questions (below) on the proposed revisions by 5.15pm Tuesday 16 August 2022 for your feedback to be considered by Councillors.