
Help shape Gardiner Park’s landscape

8 June 2017

As part of the improvements to Gardiner Park, Council is now seeking your input on the landscape plan that includes your new playground, barbecue and picnic facilities, plant life as well as the areas for dog walking and exercise. Specifically, we invite you to comment on seating, plant selection, surfaces, and the type of play equipment you would like to see in your new park.

Come along to one of our workshop sessions to have your say on the landscape opportunities in the park.

Workshop session times:

  • Saturday 17 June 2017, 2pm - 3.30pm, Gardiner Park near the playground
    Register here to attend

  • Wednesday 21 June 2017, 6pm - 7.30pm, St John the Beloved Catholic Church: 91 Carroll Crescent, Glen Iris.
    Register here to attend

For more information you can call Council’s Urban Design Department on 8290 2059 or email