
A new approach to community engagement

20 October 2021

Community engagement provides us with a better understanding of your views and values, it helps us to make more informed decisions and to deliver better services for you.

Our diverse community plays a vital role in shaping the future City of Stonnington. We want to encourage participation in engagement opportunities and to help support meaningful conversations.

This will help us to reflect your priorities and expectations in council activities and decision making.

Our Engagement Policy and its supporting framework are important planning tools that guide our community engagement.

We’re creating an updated Engagement Policy and supporting framework that sets out when, why and how we’ll engage with you to inform council decisions.

The Victorian Local Government Act 2020 requires us to consider five important engagement principles in developing our Engagement Policy (see below).

We also want equality, accessibility and fairness to be priorities in our engagement and for all community members and stakeholders to feel included and respected.

Community engagement is about asking what you think about ideas, plans or proposals so that you can contribute to and influence the decisions that affect you. As your council, we want to know what matters to you, what you want to see more or less of and where we can do better.

So how should we engage? What techniques should we use, who and when should we consult, for what projects, to what degree and for how long?

Your insights will inform the development of our Engagement Policy and its supporting Framework and guide our other major council strategies and projects.

Your involvement and feedback help to guide how we plan for the future and tackle important decisions.

For more information call 8290 1333 or email link)

Download the Local Government Victoria - Principles of Community Engagement factsheet here