The City of Stonnington is committed to immediate and urgent action on the climate emergency. While Council has been working for some time to reduce its own emissions and support the community to live more sustainably, it’s time to accelerate our emissions reductions, ramp up the ways we support our community and prepare for changes to our city and community.
Following Council's declaration of a climate emergency in February 2020, we’ve been working on our first Climate Emergency Action Plan and this document is now available for public feedback (survey link below).
City of Stonnington Mayor, Cr Kate Hely, looks forward to hearing back from the community on this crucial document.
"While climate change is a global issue, it has local impacts affecting Stonnington's environment, economy and the health and wellbeing of our community.
"We know that climate action is a priority for our community and this plan clearly outlines out commitment to accelerating our own emissions reduction as well as the support we will be providing our community.
"We can create change and make a difference when we all work together. I'm looking forward to working with you all on creating a more sustainabile Stonnington for now and the future," said Cr Hely.
The draft plan outlines our path towards 2030 and a zero carbon future for Stonnington, as well as defining five key strategic priorities:
- Zero carbon Stonnington
- Leading action and advocating for change
- A cool, climate adapted city
- A resilient, connected community
- Towards zero waste and a circular economy
Each of these priorties has a series of specific actions to help us achieve them. These include things like:
- Purchase renewable energy for 100% of Council’s electricity use.
- Support zero carbon developments in Stonnington and progress towards a zero carbon Planning Scheme.
- Support community climate action through Council’s community grants program, including working with local community groups to develop and plan climate action projects.
- Develop a Zero Waste and Circular Economy Strategy to drive Council’s strategic direction in relation to waste minimisation, optimum resource recovery, minimising waste to landfill and creation of a circular economy.
- Develop a targeted program to include canopy trees in commercial precincts to improve shade provision, city cooling and improved amenity.
- Integrate urban greening and city cooling objectives into streetscape projects, to ensure a climate resilient city.
The implementation of this plan requires a Council response in partnership with our community. By working together to respond to the climate emergency, we can create a sustainable future for all.
How we’ve developed the draft plan
The draft plan was developed through:
- An online survey and ideas board
- An online information session with interested community members
- Online sessions with Traditional Owner groups
- Building on Council efforts and achievements to-date
- Community feedback through the Community Vision and Council Plan engagement processes
- Councillor priorities workshop in March 2021
- Review of leading practice across local government climate response
- Assessment of emerging science, technology and community / government dialogue on the
urgency to act on climate change.
The information, ideas and suggestions gathered through this process has helped to inform our draft Climate Emergency Action Plan.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please call 8290 1333 or email
The Our draft Climate Emergency Action Plan survey has now concluded
Do you have an idea that could positively address the climate emergency in Stonnington? Do you have a vision for a sustainable Stonnington?
Share your ideas, both big and small, by Sunday 5 July on:
- actions for Council to respond to the climate emergency
- actions for the community to respond to the climate emergency
You can upload links, articles, photos and videos to showcase your ideas. See an idea you like – like it. Or add a comment.
Disclaimer: As this is a public board our moderation policy and process will apply. All ideas are welcome to be included, however they need to be positive and future focused. We will not tolerate submissions that are negative in nature. If a comment or idea is perceived to attack, harass or impede participation of others, it may be deleted.
The City of Stonnington accepts the evidence for human-induced climate change and will not enter into a public debate on the science.